The Cool Kids of the Fitting World, Our Guide to Hydraulic Crimp Fittings

October 9, 2022

Hydraulic crimp fittings are designed for a myriad of applications. No matter the project, there will always be a fitting that is right for the job. There is also most certainly the wrong fitting for the job.

Making sure you have the correct hose ends for what you are threading (or flanging) onto is critical. So for this post we are going to be discussing the 3 most popular crimp fittings out there, and their common applications.

JIC - For the nerds out there, this stands for Joint Industry Council. This is defined as a fitting with parallel threads, and more importantly it has a 37 degree machined bevel, or "flare" seat. JIC fittings do well with hydraulic applications up to 10,000 PSI, as well as fuel delivery. Last year there was a fantastic blog (if we do say so ourselves) written that covers more about this fitting and others, you can find it here. Or if you already know all about this because you're a hydraulic smarty pants, you can shop our hydraulic JIC fittings here.

NPT - Good ol' pipe thread. National Pipe Taper, or NPT thread is a fitting that has tapered threads that interlock with their respective female of male counterparts. A great application for this type of thread is gas transfer as well as high pressure fluid conveyance. One note about NPT fittings is that they should never bottom out. They should be installed until the fitting seizes or jams, and will not go any further. PTFE tape can be used for this type of threads, whereas it is not needed for JIC.  Do you need a pipe fitting? (I'm not talking about your smoking pipe, ya hippie!) If so, then browse our huge selection of NPT crimp fittings here.

SAE / ORB - O-ring Boss Thread, or also known as SAE thread is used often when hoses are attached to a cylinder or control valve body. SAE threads are straight, and also the exact same as JIC threads (except for -06 and -12 sizes), but the difference is how they seat. SAE straight machine fittings seal with an O-ring at the base of the threads, causing excellent sealing and leak prevention when under high pressure. Most ports on commercial and industrial machinery are SAE threaded, which is why this type of thread makes the list. Like JIC and NPT, O-ring Boss thread fittings can come straight or angled. Our nifty shopping page makes it easy for you to pick the right angle (pun intended) for your application.

These fittings make up a large part of the hydraulic world, but not all of it! There's all kinds of fittings out there and all types of crimp styles. Bite to wire and compression, as well as field attachable and two piece are all possible options you may encounter. So if you need help making sure you're purchasing the right fitting from us, feel free to call our Hose Help Hotline 24/7 at 918-234-0585, or send us an email. Now go get 'em!

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